Ex Terra Incognita

The Mildred Complexity Gallery, Narrowsburg New York

Solo Exhibition

Natalie created her own strike camp and she retreated to the bush. Inhabiting this narrative in the place of her birth she was forging strong connections back to her community and investigating more complex ideas of gender, history & colonisation. The Camp installation was inhabited for three weeks. Natalie had a smaller studio set up in an old train carriage near the camp where she would document and catalogue her research observations. - excerpt from exhibition statement written by Clayton Lewis

This multi-sensory exhibition included suspended framed photography, textile works, large hanging paper panels (featuring cyanotype, felting, paint and hair) looped soundscape, ceiling intervention with eucalyptus and golden rod & and augmented reality app that played videos when hovered over photographs.

HumanUfactorY(ng) Workstyles: The Motion Journals of Excerpts from the User’s Guide to Mildred’s Lane.

SAIC Sullivan Galleries, Chicago IL

Group Exhibition

Coming to Chicago as a film student at SAIC, J. Morgan Puett made small film sketches, while her research into costume thrust her into deeper curiosities around clothing and dwelling, eventually leading her to an established career as an innovator in the fashion industry. In the next chapter of an evolving and emergent story, Puett fabricated immersive installations in museums and other sites around the world that brought a reality to our sensory and imaginative connection to cloth and other material objects.

Puett returns again to her Chicago inspiration, this time to the Jane Addams Hull-House and Addams’s Labor Museum endeavor with John Dewey, who also saw growth and creativity as a dialogue between doing and reflecting. Puett’s installation engages this history to present a deep reflection on the doings of Mildred’s Lane—her art-as-life practice going on twenty years—through films, photography, costumes, and belongings, creating a period room that transgresses time and place

HumanUfactorY(ng) Workstyles: The Motion Journals of Excerpts from the User’s Guide to Mildred’s Lane. A costume drama of the everyday, 2014. Collaborating with J Morgan Puett on the Labor Portraits, installation, film components, and food installation for opening weekend.